Donor: Olof Palme International Center
The overall objective of the project is to generate social and political momentum for addressing issues of pressing economic, social, and political concern for Kosovo’s non-majority (minority) communities. In this regard, the project will have the following outcomes/results:
Outcome I. ADVOCACY EFFORTS RESULTING IN increased awareness of key issues and problems facing non-majority communities among political and institutional actors at the central level;
Outcome II. SYNERGIES WITH OTHER CSOs RESULTING IN increased cooperation between initiatives in the civil-society sector that deal with similar issues, raised level of initiative to tackle systematic problems in the implementation of laws granting rights to non-majority communities;
Outcome III. PUBLIC AWARENESS CAMAPAIGN RESULTING IN greater awareness and knowledge among the general public of their legal rights
This project will seek to transfer many of the lessons learned, networks built and indeed methodologies employed throughout the course of Aktiv’s project support by the Olof Palme international Center, Active Citizens. In other words, it can be broadly described as a kind of transfer from a project oriented at advocacy at the local level to one geared at advocacy at the central level by using best practices and experiences honed during the course of Active Citizens.
Generally speaking, Aktiv’s approach through the implementation of project activities will ensure:
- Increased depth and extent to which the project can identify and advocate for community needs;
- The established of meaningful and sustainable structural links with other, similar initiatives in the NGO sector that are geared at advocating for and safeguarding minority rights;
- Pinpoints clear focuses for advocacy and policy-level interventions to ensure the sustainability of the project;
- Clears the way for more fruitful cooperation/synergies with similar CSO initiatives.