NGO AKTIV is organizing a wine festival on the 16nd of June 2022, in the village Velika Hoča in the Orahovac/Rahovec municipality

We will bring together wine producers from that region and businesses from north Kosovo, to provide them with new opportunities for eventual new avenues of economic cooperation and opportunity.

Representatives of cafes, restaurants, kafanas and food shops from the municipalities in the north of Kosovo, are planning to attend the event, and visit wine producers from Velika Hoča who would showcase their products during the festival.

While wine produced there is highly coveted in certain circles, Velika Hoča remains underdeveloped, with limited chances for accessing outside markets. This event is designed to address that issue, and to hold an event that will be for the benefit and indeed entertainment of that community.

The festival will be held outside in a public area in Velika Hoča. If you need a transportation from the north Kosovo, please contact +381642140814.

What is the program? Very diverse!

It starts at 16:00, and after short opening remarks from our side, until 20:00 there will be Festivities, Wine and food tasting provided by local producers, Light (musical) entertainment.

All good spirits and wine devotees are welcome to attend!

NGO AKTIV Mitrovica

NGO AKTIV Priština