Discrimination, incidents, and property usurpation are some of the problems of the Serb community in Kosovo, as the U.S State Department pointed out in its human rights report 2021 for Kosovo.

The State Department cites a report published by the NGO AKTIV in June 2021 stating that “problems such as document forgery, noncompliance with court decisions, intentional damage or complete destruction of property, and property usurpation prevent some Kosovo Serbs from enjoying their property rights”.

A detailed report of NGO AKTIV on property rights, which describes the problems and offers specific recommendations to address them, can be found at: 

The State Department also cited date form AKTIV’s report on incidents in areas inhabited by Kosovo Serbs: “NGO AKTIV reported 48 incidents in the first six months targeting the Kosovo Serb community and Serbian Orthodox Church sites, including property damage, burglaries and thefts, physical attacks and threats, and offensive graffiti”.

The report covers the period between the 1st of January 2021 to June 30, 2021, and the incidents were noted during by the Civic Group for Rapid Reaction, established by NGO AKTIV at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. A more detailed overview of security incidents can be found at the 

At the same time, NGO AKTIV recalls the latest report on the security situation, which indicates that in the period from 2000 to March 2022, over 180 different incidents were recorded. More details can be found at https://bit.ly/3M1kh3u.

The State Department also mentioned a statement issued by the Empirika platform: “In August 2021, the Empirica Group, an advocacy platform, issued a statement calling for a thorough investigation into unresolved cases, particularly physical attacks on Kosovo Serbs,” the State Department said in its KOSOVO 2021 HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT, it also noted that Empirika is an advocacy group established by NGO Aktiv, whose membership includes prominent CSOs and media from the Serbian community.

Through its reports, NGO AKTIV seeks to inform the public about the situation and problems in the Serbian community, and calls on relevant institutions to respond to the concerns of Serbian and other non-majority communities in order to improve their position and be more active participants in the socio-political life in Kosovo.

The Kosovo 2021 Human Rights Report could be found at this 

NGO AKTIV Mitrovica

NGO AKTIV Priština