PRESS RELEASE – Civil society organizations and media

Civil society organizations and the media strongly condemn the recent attacks on Serbian and Albanian media outlets during their reporting in the north of Kosovo. Attacks on journalists represent a serious threat to media freedom and the democratic principles we strive for as a society.

We are deeply concerned about the increase in verbal and physical attacks on journalists who dotheir work in the field. Free journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy and key to building an open society in which human rights and the rule of law are respected. Attacks on journalists are a direct violation of these values.

We call on all relevant actors, local political representatives, representatives of the international community, to take immediate measures to enable journalists to carry out their duties in an unhindered manner and toprevent further verbal and physical attacks and threats. This implies providing adequate protection to journalists.

We also invite all citizens, as well as civil society organizations, to support the freedom of media and press. An informed society requires the diversity of opinion, freedom of expression and access to relevant information. We need to work together to create an environment where journalists can do their work without fear of any form of attack, pressure or intimidation.

We remain committed to supporting journalists in their efforts to provide objective, impartial and truthful reporting. We will continue to fight for media freedom and the strengthening of the profession of journalism in order to build a democratic society.


  1. Aktiv
  2. Avenija
  3. Centar za zastupanje demokratske kulture
  4. Centar za društvene incijative
  5. Centar za mir i toleranciju
  6. Forum za razvoj i multietničku saradnju
  7. Gračanica Online
  8. Humani centar Mitrovica
  9. Inter
  10. Nova društvena incijativa
  11. Produkcija New Press
  12. Omladinska parteška aktivnost
  13. Radio Goraždevac
  14. Radio KIM
  15. RTV Mir
  16. Sanja Sovrlić, journalist N1
  17. Media centar Čaglavica
  18. Komunikacija za razvoj društva
  19.  CRZ/KoSSev

NGO AKTIV Mitrovica

NGO AKTIV Priština