NGO Aktiv brings a new podcast within the project “Rapid Reaction Civic Group” (RRCG).
The Covid-19 pandemic has contributed all the problems of the minority communities in Kosovo to come to surface, says the Rapid Reaction Civic Group. Typical violation of basic human rights, perception of unsafety predominantly among the Serb community, and lack of access to important public information have been noticed.
In an interview with journalist Darko Dimitrijevic, RRCG Coordinator Dobrosav Dakić pointed out that the “Rapid Action Civic Group” had been formed in response to the coronavirus pandemic, as a mechanism that would monitor the situation in the non-majority communities throughout Kosovo.
“The idea is to monitor the real situation on the ground and make recommendations in order to improve it,” Dakić said.
According to him, 14 field coordinators have been periodically submitting reports on the rights of minority communities for the Group to be efficient. Based on the reports, 48 security incidents have been recorded lately in Kosovo, most common being destruction of property and physical attacks.
Other violations of minority rights include problems with language use, access to information in the health centers, but also the spread of misinformation about the coronavirus. The coordinators also pointed out that, although vaccination started late in Kosovo, most K. Serbs had already started getting jabs by going to the cities in Serbia.
As Dakić explained, based on the reports from the field, the Group collected data and submitted it to the relevant institutions, hoping that pointing out to the problems will initiate their solving.