“Tackle the existing stereotypes and prejudices in Kosovo”
NGO AKTIV invites all student/youth groups from of all ethnic backgrounds to propose youth cooperation initiatives that will be supported through the project Transforming Conflicting Perceptions through Increased Civic and Community Engagement in Kosovo and implemented by student/youth groups.
Within the framework of the project, and after the production of the Index of Ethnic Stereotypes in Kosovo (a consolidated record of documented stereotypical characteristics that influence ethnic relations in Kosovo) and The introduction of mutual language learning in Kosovo: A tentative Roadmap (paper addresses the issue of the language gap existing between Kosovo Albanians and Kosovo Serbs), students will be offered the opportunity to propose and implement activities based on the problems identified by the studies.
Students are invited to propose grass-root youth cooperation initiative that will be supported through this project and implemented by student/youth and members of the Kosovo Coalition for Reconciliation (KCR).
The best initiative will be selected and supported with a grant of up to 5,000 EUR. This initiative will be implemented by KCR in close cooperation with student/youth groups. Under this call one (1) initiative will be supported.
The types of activities that may be supported by this call are as follows:
- Local capacity-building and awareness-raising projects that support/encourage youth participation in monitoring reforms, in promoting rule of law and EU values;
- Civic dialogue with local stakeholders;
- Organizing local public events, debates, workshops, seminars, study visits;
- Conducting research work and local public-opinion surveys;
- Events that promote youth participation – exhibitions, film/video materials or other similar activities;
- Advocacy events and activities;
- Other activities that support interethnic cooperation and reconciliation.
The following types of activities will not be supported:
- Any activities that take place outside of Kosovo;
- Activities that only or mainly involve individual sponsorships for participation in workshops, seminars, conferences and congresses;
- Activities that only or mainly involve individual scholarships for studies or training courses;
- Activities focused on construction activities, the purchase of equipment, and the purchase and/or renovation of buildings or offices;
- Activities aimed at collecting charitable donations or other similar profit-generating initiatives;
Application Procedure
All initiative proposals should include:
1) A description of the applicant(s) (one or more), including basic background information (CVs of all applicants), a short motivation letter and a copy of Kosovo ID;
2) An outline of the project, including:
- Direct beneficiaries.
- Project activities
- Expected outcomes
3) A brief (two to three sentences) overview of the estimated expenses that will be incurred by the activities.)
Please fill in the application form.
The KCR will support and implement a limited number of initiatives (1) that may last up to two (2) months in duration and that will have a maximum budget of 5,000 Euros.
The deadline for the submission of project proposals is 14.04.2022.
Applications should be submitted to: info@ngoaktiv.org
You can get receive information via email igor.markovic@ngoaktiv.org or by calling +38349614908 and + 381642585592.