Digital Corruption

The Network for Civic Activism, with the support of NGO Aktiv, has created an online manual titled “Digital Corruption – Challenges of the Modern Era – A Guide for CSOs to Combat Digital Corruption.”

This guide is part of a broader initiative to build digital literacy among CSOs from non-majority communities in Kosovo to participate in the fight against corruption.

The goal of the guide is to provide basic knowledge about digital corruption and digital challenges in the fight against corruption, as well as tools and resources that will enable civil society organizations to use digital technologies more effectively in their work, particularly in the context of combating corruption. The initiative is implemented within the framework of the project “Enhancing Transparency and Rule of Law in Serb-Majority Communities,” which is carried out by NGO AKTIV and the Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture (ACDC), in cooperation with and support from the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, with financial support from the International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Bureau (INL).

NGO AKTIV Mitrovica

NGO AKTIV Priština