Conference: “Conference “How to Reinstate the Brussels Dialogue – Opportunities and Obstacles”

On September 23, 2024, at the Mona Plaza Hotel in Belgrade, the conference “How to Reinstate the Brussels Dialogue – Opportunities and Obstacles”, will take place. This significant event is organized by NGO Aktiv and the Working Group of the National Convention on the European Union for Chapter 35.

The aim of the conference is to open a discussion on the current state and future of the negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina, focusing on the challenges and potential modalities for overcoming the present tensions. Experts, representatives of institutions, and international organizations will offer insights and perspectives on topics defined in two panel discussions:

Panel 1: A Deadlock in the Brussels Dialogue – What Is Hindering Progress in the Kosovo-Serbia Negotiations? This panel will deal with the current deadlock in the Brussels Dialogue, analysing the security and political context in Kosovo, with a special focus on the position and perspective of the community of Kosovo Serbs, the absence of a social and political dialogue, and potential modalities to overcome tensions.

Panel 2: Chapter 35: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. The second panel will explore the implementation of the agreement within the Chapter 35 and the dialogue between Belgrade and Priština. The achievements so far will be evaluated, and the remaining challenges identified.


How to Reinstate the Brussels Dialogue – Opportunities and Obstacles

10:15 – 11:30 | Panel 1: A Deadlock in the Brussels Dialogue – What Is Hindering Progress in

the Kosovo-Serbia Negotiations?

Moderator: • Ljubica Gojgić


11:45 – 13:00 | Panel 2: Chapter 35 – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Moderator: • Izabela Kisić, Helsinki Committees for Human Rights


NGO AKTIV Mitrovica

NGO AKTIV Priština