Report incidents and protect your rights!

Incidents in the north of Kosovo have lately become more frequent, and citizens’ lack of trust in Kosovo Police and institutions is growing. Many residents feel insecure and express their concerns regarding the number of cases that occur on a daily basis in their communities.

We therefore invite all citizens to contact us and report the following incidents:

  • Verbal, physical or sexual harassment of women and girls – any catcalling, insults or rude behavior,
  • Traffic problems – situations arising from language barriers or inadequate police reactions,
  • Failure to comply with the Law on the Use of Language,
  • Cases in which you believe that the police, the Police Inspectorate or other institutions did not act in an appropriate manner or transparently (violation of language rights, access to information of public importance, etc.),
  • Freedom of speech and the right to protest,
  • Incidents at police checkpoints – any conflicts or irregularities at checkpoints with police SOUs/traffic police and
  • Problems with the police and their relation towards citizens and media – making the work of journalists more difficult or aggressive reactions of police officers, etc.

If you witness violence or are a victim of violence, discrimination, illegal actions or believe that there has been an abuse of office, violation of the law or your human rights are threatened, or rather any other type of irregularity, call our hotline for reporting incidents by dialing the following number:

 +381 65 9055305 or via e-mail at:

Your report is crucial for documenting all irregularities, negligence, and non-compliance with the law, so that we jointly appeal to the international community to ensure respect for the constitutionally and legally guaranteed rights of non-majority communities in Kosovo.

NGO AKTIV Mitrovica

NGO AKTIV Priština